Internal rules of the clinic

prepared in accordance with Act No. 372/2011 Coll. on Health Services and Conditions of their Provision, as amended, and the Code of Ethics developed by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic on 25 February 1992

1. Health service provider

Clinic+ Medical Group s.r.o., ID: 075 58 791, with registered office at Vršovická 1461/64, Vršovice, 101 00 Prague 10, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 303018

2. Definition of terms

2.1 The term „treatment“, „medical procedure“, „health care“ and „health performance“ means the provision of health services within the meaning of Act No 372/2011 Coll., on Health Services and their Provision, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the „Health Services Act“).

2.2 The term „staff“ means in particular the doctor and nurse as well as other professional staff of the health care provider.

2.3 The term „practice“ means a complete operating unit of a health service provider, including waiting room, toilets, technological, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and staff.

2.4 The term „patient“ means a natural person to whom a health service provider provides a health service within the meaning of the Health Services Act.

3. Patient rights

3.1 The patient has all rights under Act No 372/2011 Coll., on Health Services, as amended.

3.2 Every patient has the right to be treated with respect, dignity, consideration and privacy in the provision of dental care services in a health care facility.

3.3 The patient has the right to the provision of health services at an appropriate professional level. Appropriate standard means the provision of health services according to the rules of science and accepted medical practice, respecting the individuality of the patient, taking into account the specific conditions and objective possibilities.

3.4 The patient has the right to request consultation services from another health care facility/health care professional, except for statutory exceptions.

3.5 The patient has the right to the continuous presence of a legal representative, or a person designated by the legal representative, a foster parent or other person designated by the court, the presence of a close person or a person designated by the patient, provided that the presence of these persons does not interfere with the provision of health services.

3.6 The patient has the right to know the names of health professionals, other professional staff and students/interns directly involved in the provision of health care.

3.7 The patient has the right to refuse the presence of persons not directly involved in the provision of care, students and trainees.

3.8 The patient shall have the right to communicate in a way that is understandable to him or her and by means of communication that he or she chooses, including methods based on interpretation by another person.

3.9 The patient has the right to be informed about the state of his/her health and the proposed individual treatment and any changes thereto. He/she has the right to be informed of the purpose and nature of the health care provided and of any examination or treatment procedure, as well as its consequences, alternatives and risks. On the basis of this information, he shall have the right to decide freely, without coercion and with the opportunity to ask additional questions, whether to undergo the proposed procedure. The patient has the right to refuse to consent to the provision of health services or to withdraw his/her consent to the provision of health services if the legal conditions are met (this does not apply to situations where isolation, quarantine or compulsory treatment is ordered under the Public Health Protection Act).

3.10. The patient has the right to be informed in advance of the price of health services provided which are not covered or partially covered by public health insurance and the method of their payment (if his/her health condition allows it). In the case of the existence of several possible treatment options, the patient is informed by the doctor about the individual options and their price (if the patient’s health condition allows it).

3.11 Patients have the right to expect that all reports and records relating to their treatment are treated as confidential, even if computerised. Without the patient’s consent, only the persons listed in Section 65 of Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on Health Services and Conditions of their Provision, may consult the medical records to the extent strictly necessary for the performance of a specific task within the scope of their competence. Other persons may consult the medical records only with the consent of the patient; in the case of a child, the consent of his/her legal representative is required.

3.12. The patient has the right to inspect the medical records kept about him/her, to take extracts or copies, in the presence of a health care professional, without interfering with the provision of health care services. The law sets a time limit of 30 days from the receipt of the request for obtaining an extract or copy.

3.13. The patient has the right to determine the persons to whom information about his/her health condition may be provided (including the scope of the information provided and the manner in which the information may be communicated – orally, in writing, etc.). At the same time, the patient may determine whether these persons may consult the medical records kept about him or her or other records relating to his or her health condition and whether they may take extracts or copies of these documents.

3.14. The patient has the right to prohibit the disclosure of information about his/her health condition to designated persons. However, this prohibition does not apply to the provision of information that may be disclosed without the patient’s consent pursuant to 33, paragraph (2) of Act No. 372/2011 Coll. or other legislation.

3.15. The patient has the right to refuse the provision of information about his/her health condition, or may designate to whom the information is to be provided, if the legal conditions are met. The designation of persons or the prohibition to provide health information may be revoked at any time.

3.16. A minor patient under 15 years of age may be treated only in the presence and with the consent of his/her legal guardian or a person designated by the legal guardian (an exception is emergency care). A minor patient over 15 years of age may be treated without the presence of his/her legal guardian if he/she has his/her written consent.

3.17 The patient has the right to expect that their treatment will be administered with reasonable continuity.

3.18. A patient with a sensory impairment who uses a dog with special training has the right to be accompanied and have the dog with him/her in the healthcare facility. The presence of an assistance dog shall not restrict the provision of health care or limit the rights of other patients.

4. Duties of the patient

The patient is obliged to:

a). to abide by these internal rules,

b). follow the proposed treatment procedure,

c). truthfully inform the health care provider about his/her health condition and related matters,

d). to complete the anamnesis questionnaire and to notify the health care provider of any changes in the information provided in the anamnesis questionnaire,

e). to prove his/her identity on request,

f). to produce a health insurance card on request,

g). take care of his/her oral health and oral hygiene in an appropriate manner to avoid all avoidable health risks,

h). undergo preventive examinations once every 6 months,

i). accept preventive check-ups and preventive dental hygiene as a necessary part of treatment,

j). provide assistance in the medical procedure and control of the course of treatment,

k). come to the surgery neat and clean, in accordance with basic hygiene habits,

l). to behave quietly in the surgery, to sit in the waiting room and wait for the nurse to arrive,

m). not to intentionally destroy or alienate the equipment of the practice,

n). treat staff and other patients with respect and dignity.

5. Registration with a dentist

The facility provides full-scope dental care services only to registered patients. For non-registered patients, it only provides emergency health care when the patient’s registering physician is unavailable. A patient may apply for registration if more than 3 months have passed since his/her previous registration with another doctor. In the case of minor patients, their legal guardians apply for registration.
The registering physician decides on the acceptance of registration by confirming the registration certificate. In case of refusal of the patient to their care due to capacity reasons, the patient has the right to receive a confirmation of this refusal and the reasons for it, which will be issued by the provider upon request.

If the patient has not visited a health care facility for 2 years as part of preventive care, he or she is deemed to have sought another dentist to whom he or she has re-registered (the patient has ceased to provide the cooperation necessary for the continued provision of health services). Such a patient is terminated from the provision of health care services.

6. Office and operating hours

The surgery and opening hours are published at the entrance to the health facility and also on the website Acute and emergency treatment is always carried out by a doctor at the beginning of working hours on weekdays, i.e. from 7:30 to 8:30 am. The reception of patients for treatment ends 30 minutes before the end of office hours.

7. Appointment for examination

7.1 The Patient is obliged (except for injuries and conditions threatening life and health) to make an appointment for a medical procedure in advance, either by phone at 222-944-444 or by e-mail at, during the office hours of the health service provider published on the website and in the office.

7.2 The appointment time is determined by the current workload of the surgery. The health service provider has the right to determine and change the dates of medical procedures and is obliged to inform the patient (verbally, by phone or e-mail) of such change. When fixing or changing the date of a medical procedure, the health service provider shall take into account the patient’s possibilities and needs.

7.3 The patient is obliged to attend the treatment on the appointed day and time. It is not possible to change the date without prior arrangement.

7.4 Patients who are unable to attend an appointment must excuse themselves by phone or in person at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled procedure by calling 222-944-444 or emailing so as not to block the reserved time for other patients.

7.5 The hours of the ordered medical procedures are indicative and are governed by the current workload of the surgery. The ordered patients are given priority for medical procedures, however, the exclusive right to choose the order remains with the attending physician.

8. Patients with acute pain will be treated during office hours from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Patients with acute pain are obliged to arrive at the surgery no later than 10:00 am.

8.1 Patients are booked in for preventive examinations or treatment by a nurse in person at a prior visit to the surgery. The patient is offered an appointment at the surgery for the next preventive check-up, which should take place every six months. If he or she does not make an appointment, he or she must keep his or her own appointment.

9. Order of treatment

The nurse regularly goes out to the waiting room, makes a short inquiry to find out the status of patients‘ problems and determines the order of patients after consulting the doctor. The appointment time is the time from which the patient waits to be seen by the doctor. Appointed patients are invited to the surgery, preferably at the time for which they have been booked. The appointment time is not a dogma to which the patient is entitled. The medical staff shall endeavour to minimize the waiting time of patients, but shall always be mindful of the privacy and health of patients during treatment.

10. Treatment in case of acute pain

This is the treatment of acute painful cases or injuries. In this case we offer our clients (registered patients) the earliest appointment within surgery hours, usually the same day, up to a maximum of the next working day. However, it is always necessary to make an appointment by phone or in person. If a patient arrives without an appointment, they must expect that priority will be given to booked patients.

The treatment will be performed by one of our doctors, regardless of who is the patient’s treating physician. If the patient insists on being treated only by their treating physician, the appointment date may be significantly delayed.

11. Proof of identity

The patient is obliged to prove his/her identity with an identity document (ID card, passport). If the patient receives care covered by health insurance, he/she is also obliged to present a health insurance card. If the patient cannot prove his/her identity and the validity of the health insurance, the healthcare facility is not obliged to provide healthcare services. Exceptions are cases of necessary and urgent care.

12. Examination and treatment

Examination by a doctor takes place in the doctor’s office, where patients enter at the nurse’s call. The doctor provides the patient with a medical service only with the patient’s consent or the consent of the patient’s legal representative. The patient or the patient’s legal representative may be required to give written informed consent or to agree in writing to a treatment plan, including a cost proposal for treatment.

The patient is obliged to truthfully inform the doctor about his/her health condition and related matters, and to carefully follow the treatment plan, after prior consent to it and provided that he/she has been duly informed about it. The patient has the possibility to consult the doctor by phone, email or by appointment.

Both the doctor and the nurse are obliged to maintain medical confidentiality, to use the information obtained only for the provision of health services for the benefit of the patient and to provide it only to persons designated by generally binding regulations. An exception to the obligation of confidentiality is communication between health professionals.

In the event that there is a change in the information provided in the initial anamnestic questionnaire, the patient is obliged to report these changes.

13. Right to information

The patient receives information about the disease and the necessary treatment procedures from the doctor, the patient is informed about the regimen by the doctor in cooperation with the nurse. The patient is entitled to full and comprehensible information, which, for reasons of data protection, will be provided only to him or her and only to those persons he or she has indicated in writing in the informed consent to the provision of healthcare. Information about a patient’s health condition may be given by telephone or e-mail only on the basis of a completed patient consent form. Without this consent, we only communicate organisational information by telephone (possibility to start treatment, date of check-up, date of follow-up services ordered).

14. Right to refuse treatment

Unless it is an acute patient-threatening case, staff have the right to refuse to treat a patient who has influenza, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, herpetic disease of the lip or oral mucosa or other infectious disease. Medical staff shall have the right to prematurely terminate medical services or refuse to treat a patient who shows signs of having consumed alcoholic beverages or addictive substances.

Patients suffering from Hepatitis C, AIDS and similar chronic diseases are obliged to notify the staff of their infectious disease. He/she will then be treated under special conditions in a special regime.

The staff also reserves the right to refuse treatment to a patient who arrives late for an appointment. For operational reasons, even a small delay can be a significant operational complication.

Patients who do not follow the doctor’s instructions before treatment (e.g. taking medication, food, etc.), patients who behave vulgarly or aggressively towards staff or other patients and patients who do not follow basic hygiene principles may also be rejected.

15. Right to stop treatment

A health care facility may terminate the provision of health care services to a patient who severely restricts the rights of other patients, deliberately and consistently fails to comply with a proposed course of treatment, or fails to comply with internal regulations. Repeated unexcused absences (two or more times), where the patient has not apologised in advance by telephone or in person, shall also constitute grounds for termination of the provision of health services to the patient. A physician has the right to refuse or terminate a patient’s treatment if the patient’s requests conflict with the physician’s professional beliefs.

16. Notification of changes

Within 8 days, the patient or his/her legal representative shall notify his/her registering physician of any change in identification data (e.g. change of residence, telephone number and e-mail), change of health insurance company or type of health insurance. When visiting the surgery, the patient is obliged to inform the medical staff of any change in his/her health condition, medication, pregnancy, etc.

The health facility announces on its website the change of surgery hours, change of telephone number and holiday dates.

17. Medical documentation

The patient’s medical records kept by the physician are the property of the healthcare facility. Only the patient, his/her legal representatives, authorised persons and persons specified by generally binding regulations may consult it and take extracts and copies from it. If a patient re-registers with another dentist, the existing registering dentist will send the new dentist an extract from the medical records only on request (this is not an automatic service). The extract contains all the information needed to provide further health services to the patient. The patient can also receive his/her RVG images on a data carrier. The acquisition of the extract and the copy of the RVG images is charged according to the current price list.

18. Pricing arrangements

The health care provided is divided into standard care covered by the health insurance system and extra-standard care, where the patient’s financial participation is required. The price list for these procedures is posted in the waiting room/available to the patient in the surgery. The doctor will inform the patient of the individual treatment options and the price proposal on the basis of the examination. The patient will be informed about the nature of the procedure and its cost before each treatment. For extensive reconstructive procedures, the doctor will prepare a price plan for the patient. In the event of complications and greater time consuming treatments, the planned price may be finally increased according to the practice’s current per-minute rate, which is made available in the practice’s price list.

If the patient is insured by a health insurance company with which the health service provider does not have a contractual relationship, the patient is obliged to pay for the services that are normally covered by the health insurance system through direct payment. All health insurance companies with which our facility has contracts for reimbursement of health care services are available on the website and in the price list of procedures available in the waiting room/office.

The patient is obliged to reimburse the provider for the price of the services and prosthetic work according to the valid price list. Refusal to pay is in violation of the internal regulations and is grounds for termination of the services provided to the patient.

Payment is made in cash or, after prior agreement with the doctor, by bank transfer on the basis of the invoice/payment terminal. In the case of external production of prosthetic products (in the laboratory), an advance payment of 50% of the final price is required.

19. Warranty and Claims

The guarantee is provided to the extent of the statutory guarantee under generally binding legislation. The warranty thus covers defects that manifest themselves as a breach of the contract for the custom-made dental product after the patient has taken delivery of the product within the warranty period. A defect is defined as a condition of the product which results in the product not having the agreed, described or expected characteristics, or the usual characteristics, or which results in the product not conforming to the legal regulations or the purpose for which it was manufactured.

The warranty does not cover wear and tear caused by normal use of the product. The warranty does not cover defects caused by acts or omissions of the patient or defects caused by external influences. In particular, the warranty does not cover defects caused by improper or inappropriate use or maintenance, changes in the patient’s state of health, changes in the anatomical conditions for which the product was manufactured, accidents, violence, the action of chemical substances that are foreign to the human body, including pharmaceuticals, or the action of extreme or unnatural physical influences on the human body, even if these influences are fundamentally caused by the natural function of the patient’s body (e.g. Biting stones, glass, bones, using teeth to open bottles, shortening thread, line, artistic performances – so-called fire swallowing, carrying loads in the teeth, etc.).

The health care provider provides a 2-year warranty from the time of completion for all fillings (for falling out, not chipping of the filling or tooth; the warranty also does not cover root canal necrosis) and prosthetic work (crowns, bridges).

The warranty period for the repair and modification of an individually manufactured dental product is still governed by the Civil Code and lasts three months. The warranty does not apply to temporary work – i.e. resin crowns and bridges, root canal treatment, dental procedures of a service nature (dental hygiene, bleaching, soft tissue procedures, etc.).

The guarantee is conditional on compliance with preventive check-ups (once every 6 months) and compliance with the level of preventive dental hygiene as recommended by the doctor. If the hygiene indices (PBI, CPI, OHI) are not sufficient, we cannot guarantee the durability of the treatment.

Reasons for total or partial cancellation of the guarantee can be: negligence of oral hygiene, which has been repeatedly pointed out to the patient during examinations, failure to follow medical advice, improper use of dentures, untreated jaw joint dysfunction, systemic diseases affecting oral health (diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, cytostatic treatment, etc.), injuries in the head and neck area with possible injury to the teeth or jaw.

20. Behaviour in the waiting room and surgery

Patients and their companions wait in the waiting room, which is freely accessible from the beginning of the opening hours until the end of the surgery hours. The waiting room and corridors are monitored by a camera. While waiting, patients can use the waiting room facilities and the patient toilet. It is forbidden to disturb patients by excessive noise or other inappropriate behaviour, or to destroy or remove waiting room equipment, including magazines. Smoking is prohibited throughout the medical facility.

21. Final provisions

These internal rules are valid from 1.10.2020. These Internal Regulations are published in a manner allowing remote access on the website and are available on request at the surgery.

Prague, 10.10.2020